Kim Coleman, PhD, LAc, RN
Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine

About Me

Dr. Coleman was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She first experienced acupuncture as a young adult and again after a back injury while working as a Registered Nurse in an Intensive Care Unit. Her interest grew quickly as she saw results not only for her back pain, but also with her hormone and emotional regulation and learned, first hand, that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was indeed, evidence-based holistic medicine. Soon after, she enrolled in a graduate program that transformed her life. 

In 2015, Dr. Coleman earned her master’s degree at Five Branches University (FBU) in San Jose, CA. After passing her state and national board exams, she then travelled to China for an externship and started apprenticing with two TCM Master's there, which is how Chinese medicine was passed down traditionally. At the same time, she was awarded a full scholarship and, in 2020, completed a doctoral program at Henan University of Chinese Medicine (HUCM), in Chinese Herbal Medicine. 

Dr. Coleman always loved herbal medicine and has a passion to master the art of prescribing herbs to patients. During her study at HUCM, Dr. Coleman's research focused on TCM Internal Medicine, and she practiced primarily in a cardiovascular outpatient clinic setting, seeing patients with heart conditions such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, heart failure, and pericarditis as well as neurological conditions like stroke. She also apprenticed with two doctors who had decades of experience in pediatric Chinese medical massage and scalp acupuncture.

Dr. Coleman has found that stress and inflammation lead to many chronic health and auto-immune conditions, and TCM modalities like acupuncture and herbal medicine can be effective in treating them. To learn more, please go to the "Contact Me" page and send a message.